A Time to Remember and Await the
One who was, the One who is and the One who is to come
Celebrating the season of Advent is a relatively new concept to me. Before my time at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, MI, all I cared about was Christmas music and decorating!
Eventually, though, I realized that Advent is a truly special season.
In Advent we should be celebrating the coming of God to earth in the form of Jesus and waiting in certain expectation of his coming again. The first two weeks of this journal will, I pray, be a time of celebration and expectation as you realize the Truth that Christ will come again!
Use the remainder of this space to record any thoughts from the worship service you attended today. Also record any prayers you or your family have for this Advent season.
(Note: the above is original content written by this author in 2004. I suggest having a journal and Bible on-hand when you sit down with this devotional in order to complete the full aspects of it.)