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  • Writer's pictureRev. Kate J Meyer, LPC

Challenge Accepted!

Earlier this week, a friend and colleague mentioned to me she hasn't seen anything from my blog in a long time. She is correct.

As those of you who subscribe are aware, I've not posted on my blog since Christmas. Now, I could go through the whole list of excuses, but, seriously, who wants to hear those?

In our conversation, she revealed she is considering starting a blog, but has yet to do so. So what are two pastor-friends to do? Challenge accountability, of course!

I plan to have blogs ready to be released sometime on Wednesdays beginning this week. I won't lock myself into a time of day commitment because

, well, life; but I will commit to each of you generous subscribers, to my friend, and to myself, to post a blog each Wednesday.

Here's where you come in. I've expressed hope from the beginning for this blog to be interactive. While I deeply appreciate the personal messages some of you send, I am putting out a request that you begin interacting when you feel so led. There is also a suggestion box to make your requests known. Do you have a topic on which you'd like me to reflect? Something for a Fun Facts blog? Submit and yours might be the question answered the following Wednesday!

I always appreciate shares and likes, so thank you for those already given and those to come. If you have a blog I can support, please let me know that as well.

For now, I need to get to writing my first Wordy Wednesday blog. Want a teaser? Here's the title, "I Love You, This Is Us, But You Got It Wrong."

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