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  • Writer's pictureRev. Kate J Meyer, LPC


Life is filled with transitions. We know this, but even still transitions tend to knock us off center.

Or is that just me? No? You're with me? Okay, then we can continue.

Take a moment to study the image above. What stands out to you? The light? The shadow? The straight line? Angles? Pause and reflect for a moment and listen to what the image might be saying to you.

I'm guessing by now, even if you did pause as requested to reflect on the image, you're wondering how this is at all related to transitions. I'm so glad you asked!

When I look at this image, I see a representation of life in transition. In transitions, light and shadow are often in conflict with shadow comprising more of our emotional and and mental energy. Light is there and we can find it if we look, but even in light shadow creeps in. In expected transitions, the balance of light and shadow is a bit more even, but with unexpected transitions or, expected transitions that are large, shadow gains more and more ground over light. For each of us, shadow can mean different things: worry, sadness, depression, nausea, confusion, or any combination thereof. No matter what the manifestation, shadow results in interruption all parts of self. We cling to light--hope, resolution, answers, etc--to sustain us in these times.

Do you see that perpendicular line in the center? I realize it is also a shadow, but to my view, it is a post that serves as an anchor. When life isn't in transition, the shadow isn't visible because our own reflection would be right on top of it. But in transition, we have the center line as a reminder.

In the the simple and expected or surprised or large, we always have an anchor available to hold us and able to pull us back to center. An anchor to which we can cling. A center point where we can turn to find our way when we get lost in the shadows of transition.

Maybe if the image were taken from a different angle the center line would be revealed to be a cross.

It could just be the Easter season or my experience with transitions in life, but that is what I see in the image above. How about you? What do you see? Leave a comment below--I'd love to read it!

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